AspEmail Manual

Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Persits Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

What is AspEmail

AspEmail 4.5 is an active server component for sending email messages using an external SMTP server in an ASP or VB environment. AspEmail 4.5 supports multiple recipients, multiple CC, multiple Bcc, multiple file attachments, HTML format, embedded images, and non-US ASCII character sets. AspEmail 4.5 is free except for the image embedding functionality, Quoted-Printable encoding, multipart/alternative support, and message queuing described below.

A free copy of AspEmail can be downloaded from

What's New in Version (Service Release)
  • Mail.MailFrom property added. In earlier versions, both the From: and Return-Path: headers were set to the Mail.From value. For bounced-mail handling purposes, it may be useful to set the Return-Path: header to an email address other than the sender's address, and that's what the MailFrom property does.
  • An optional AddToBody flag added to the AppendBodyFromFile method to specify whether the Body or AltBody property should be appended. In earlier versions, only Body could be appended via this method but not AltBody.
  • For better compliance with the SMTP protocol, AspEmail issues the command EHLO instead of HELO whenever the Username property is used.
What's New in Version 4.5
  • multipart/alternative support. You can now send messages in both text and HTML formats at the same time to support email clients that are not HTML-enabled. Set the HTML version of your message body via the Mail.Body property, and text version via Mail.AltBody (premium feature).
  • NNTP authorization. Authentication support via the Username/Password properties has been extended to the method SendToNewsgroup which enables you to post articles to password-protected news servers. .
  • Mail.Timeout property added which specifies socket timeout.
System Requirements
General Requirements
Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP, and
An external or local SMTP server.
Specific Requirements
Internet Information Server 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 and Active Server Pages, or
Personal Web Server (any version) and Active Server Pages, or
Visual Basic, Visual C++, or any other development environment supporting COM components.

Getting Started

The setup program AspEmail.exe automatically registers AspEmail.dll on your system. To register AspEmail on another machine, move the file aspemail.dll to that machine and execute the following command at your MS DOS or Start/Run prompt:

C:\>regsvr32 c:\AspEmailDir\AspEmail.dll

AspEmail is shipped with an evaluation version of the AspUpload component from Persits Software, Inc. which can be used to upload file attachments to the server as discussed below. Register AspUpload by executing the following command:

C:\>regsvr32 c:\TargetDir\Bin\AspUpload.dll

AspUpload is not needed to run AspEmail. However, the sample ASP application SendMail shipped with AspEmail makes use of it to demonstrate the attachment functionality of AspEmail, so it is a good idea to register it too, unless it has already been registered on your system. For more information on the AspUpload component, visit

Using AspEmail

To use AspEmail in an ASP environment, you must create an instance of the AspEmail object in your ASP script as follows:

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")

To use AspEmail in a VB environment, open a VB project, go to Project/References... and check the box next to Persits Software AspEmail 4.4. Declare an AspEmail object variable as follows:

Dim Mail As MailSender

Create an instance of the AspEmail object as follows:

Set Mail = New MailSender

To send email messages, AspEmail "talks" to an SMTP server. You must specify the SMTP host address and, optionally, port number as follows:

Mail.Host = ""
Mail.Port = 25 ' Optional. Port is 25 by default

Starting with AspEmail 4.3, you can specify a comma- or semicolon-separated list of SMTP hosts, as follows:

Mail.Host = ";;"

If the first host on the list is down, AspEmail will automatically attempt to connect to the second host, etc. If none of the specified hosts are working an error exception will be thrown.

You must also specify the sender's email address and, optionally, name as follows:

Mail.From = ""
Mail.FromName = "Sales Department" ' Optional

To add the message recipients, CCs, BCCs, and Reply-To's, use the AddAddress, AddCC, AddBcc and AddReplyTo methods, respectively. These methods accept two parameters: the email address and, optionally, name. Notice that you must not use an '=' sign to pass values to the methods. For example,

Mail.AddAddress "", "John Smith"
Mail.AddCC "" ' Name is optional

Use the Subject and Body properties to specify the message subject and body text, respectively. A body can be in a text or HTML format. In the latter case, you must also set the IsHTML property to True. For example,

Mail.Subject = "Sales Receipt"
Mail.Body = "Dear John:" & chr(13) & chr(10) & "Thank you for your business. Here is your receipt."


Mail.Subject = "Sales Receipt"
Mail.Body = "<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=#0000FF>Dear John:....</BODY></HTML>"
Mail.IsHTML = True

To send a file attachment with the message, use the AddAttachment method. It accepts the full path to the file being attached. Call this method as many times as you have attachments. Notice that you must not use the '=' sign to pass a value to the method:

Mail.AddAttachment "c:\dir\receipt.doc"

To send a message, call the Send method. The method throws exceptions in case of an error. You may choose to handle them by using the On Error Resume Next statement, as follows:

On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
    Response.Write "An error occurred: " & Err.Description
End If

Using AspEmail with Microsoft Proxy Server
If the machine running IIS and AspEmail is separated from your SMTP host by Microsoft Proxy Server, you may experience problems connecting to the SMTP server. AspEmail would report the error "Host not found" although you as an interactive logged-in user would have no problems connecting to the same SMTP server with your email client software.

To resolve the connection problem you must assign NT user credentials to the IIS Admin service using the CREDTOOL command-line utility which can be found in the directory \MSP\Clients\I386 on the Proxy Server machine. Copy this utility to the machine running IIS and execute the following command at your MS DOS prompt (specify your own user credentials):

credtool -w -n inetinfo -c <username> <domain> <password>

This command assigns the credentials of a specified NT user to the executable inetinfo.exe that hosts the IIS Admin service. Once this is done, you need to configure your IIS to recognize the credentials. Create the file Wspcfg.ini and place it in the directory where inetinfo.exe is located (usually, it is c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv). Put the following text in the Wspcfg.ini file:


After that, restart IIS by executing the commands:

net stop iisadmin /y
net start w3svc

S/MIME-based Encryption and Digital Signature Support
AspEmail is capable of generating encrypted and/or signed mail in the industry-standard S/MIME format. To send secure mail, AspEmail must be used in conjunction with the AspEncrypt cryptographic component from Persits Software, Inc. For more information on how to send secure mail using the AspEmail and AspEncrypt components, and to download your free trial copy of AspEncrypt, visit the web site
Premium Feature: Support for Message Queuing
AspEmail is free when you use basic functionality described above. AspEmail also offers premium features that require a registration key after a 30-day evaluation period. To purchase a key, visit

AspEmail 4.2 has a new method, SendToQueue, which does not attempt to send a message directly to the SMTP server. Instead, the message is placed in a queue from where it is later retrieved and sent out by the EmailAgent NT service, a background process. Your mail-sending ASP script no longer has to wait until a message is sent, which means a better client-response time. The EmailAgent service itself is free and can be downloaded from The SendToQueue is a premium feature and requires a registration key after a 30-day evaluation period. To learn how to use AspEmail and EmailAgent, see the EmailAgent manual at the web site.

Premium Feature: Multipart/alternative Support (New in AspEmail 4.5)
Starting with version 4.5, AspEmail is capable of sending messages in both text and HTML formats to support email clients that are not HTML-enabled. The HTML version of a message is specified the regular way, via the Body property. The alternative text version of the message is specified via the new property AltBody, as follows:

Mail.Body = "<HTML><BODY>Dear John:<P>...</BODY></HTML>"
Mail.AltBody = "Dear John:..."

Note that setting the property AltBody has a side effect: the property IsHTML automatically gets set to True.

Premium Feature: Sending Messages with Embedded Images and Sounds
AspEmail can send email messages with embedded images. The following example uses the file margin.gif (included with the component) as the background image for a message:

Mail.Body="<HTML><BODY BACKGROUND=""cid:My-Image"">...</HTML>"
Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\aspemaildir\margin.gif", "My-Image"

The method AddEmbeddedImage takes two parameters: the full path to an image file and a Content ID which is simply a string without spaces which your body HTML references as follows:


In the example above we use the Content ID "My-Image" which is referenced by the BACKGROUND attribute of a <BODY> tag. We can use the same technique to embed an image inside the message body using an <IMG> tag:

Mail.Body = "<HTML>....<IMG SRC=""cid:My-Company-Logo"">...</HTML>"
Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\aspemaildir\logo.gif", "My-Company-Logo"

In a similar manner, you can embed a sound file in your message using the <BGSOUND> tag, for example:

Mail.Body = "<HTML><BGSOUND=""cid:My-Sound""></BGSOUND>...</HTML>"
Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\winnt\media\ringin.wav", "My-Sound"

Note: Content-IDs are case-sensitive. Make sure the values specified by "cid:..." and AddEmbeddedImage fully match.

To make your script more readable, you may choose to place your message body in a separate file and import it into the Body property using the method AppendBodyFromFile which accepts the full path to a text ot HTML file containing the message body. For example, your HTML file may look like this:
<!-- File messagebody.html-->
 COLOR: #427d64; FONT-FAMILY: "Arial"; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 8em

<BODY BACKGROUND="cid:My-Background-Image">
<H2>Thank you for Shopping At Our Online Store!</H2>



To use this file as a message body, use the following code:

Mail.AppendBodyFromFile "c:\aspemaildir\messagebody.html"
Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\aspemaildir\margin.gif", "My-Background-Image"

The AppendBodyFromFile method can be used instead of, or in conjunction with, the Body property.

Premium Feature: AUTH LOGIN Authentication (Enhanced in AspEmail 4.5)
SMTP servers sometimes require email clients to supply a username and password to be able to send mail. This is usually done to prevent "spammers" from using the server to send out unsolicited mail. The most commonly used authentication method is called AUTH LOGIN and described in RFC 2554. AspEmail 4.3 provides support for the AUTH LOGIN authentication via the properties Username and Password. Use these properties as follows:

Mail.Username = "myusername"
Mail.Password = "mypassword"

Starting with AspEmail 4.5, you can also use these properties to post articles to password-protected news servers via the SendToNewsgroup method.

Premium Feature: Support for Alphabets Other Than US-ASCII
AspEmail is capable of sending messages in alphabets other than US-ASCII by supporting the "Quoted-Printable" format. This format is described in RFC-2045. The idea of the format is that characters less than 33 and greater than 126 are represented by an "=" followed by a two digit hexadecimal representation of the character's value. For example, the decimal value 12 (US-ASCII form feed) is represented by "=0C", and the decimal value 61 (US-ASCII "=") can be represented by "=3D".

AspEmail encodes the message body in the Quoted-Printable format automatically if the ContentTransferEncoding property is set to "quoted-printable". You may also set the CharSet property to the appropriate character set.

The following code snippet sends a message in Russian in the KOI8 standard from a text file (not shown here):
Mail.ContentTransferEncoding = "quoted-printable"
Mail.Charset = "koi8-r"
Mail.AppendBodyFromFile "c:\russiandoc.txt"

Support for non-US-ASCII Characters in Message Headers
If you wish to send a message with certain mail headers such as Subject:, To: or From: containing non-US-ASCII characters, you should use the method Mail.EncodeHeader to encode your character string according to the RFC 1522. For example:
Mail.Subject = Mail.EncodeHeader("La fête à Jean-Sébastien Bach")
Mail.FromName = Mail.EncodeHeader("José Bové")
Mail.AddAddress "", Mail.EncodeHeader("Øystein")

Premium Feature: Support for Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 

AspEmail 4.4 allows you to programmatically post messages (articles) to network newsgroups. The following code fragment posts a short message to the newsgroup microsoft.test at the news server

Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender")
Mail.Host = ""
Mail.From = ""
Mail.Subject = "Just a test"
Mail.Body = "Hello microsoft.test newsgroup!"
Mail.SendToNewsgroup "microsoft.test"

Sample ASP Application
AspEmail is shipped with a sample ASP application that allows you to create and send email messages with attachments over the Web. The application consists of the following files:

global.asa (collection object creation)
SendMail.asp (main Email interface page)
Attachments.asp (attachment handling page)
UploadScript.asp (upload script which uses AspUpload).

To upload file attachments from a client machine to the server where the script is running, the application uses a trial version of AspUpload, a powerful file upload component from Persits Software. The file AspUpload.dll is shipped with AspEmail and must be registered on your system for the sample application to function. For complete documentation on the AspUpload component, or to purchase AspUpload, visit

Technical Support
If you are having problems with AspEmail, check with our searchable database of technical articles at SUPPORT.PERSITS.COM. If none of the articles helped rectify your problems, write us at
Object Reference
AspEmail Properties
Property and Type Comments
AltBody As String Specifies an alternative text version of a message while Body specifies an HTML version. When this property is set, AspEmail generates a "multipart/alternative" message to support email clients that are not HTML-enabled. Side effect: when this property is set, IsHTML property gets set to True. This is a premium feature.
Body As String Message body. Can be in a text or HTML format. In the latter case, the IsHTML property must be set to True.
CharSet As String "ISO-8859-1" by default. Specifies the charset component of the Content-Type MIME header. This is a premium feature.
ContentTransferEncoding As String "7bit" by default. Specifies the Content-Transfer-Encoding MIME header for the message body. Other valid values include "8bit" and "quoted-printable". If you set this property to "quoted-printable" AspEmail will automatically convert the message body to the Quoted-Printable format as specified in RFC-2045.  This is a premium feature.
Expires As Date (read-only) Returns the expiration date of the component's premium features. Returns 9/9/9999 if a valid registration key is installed. Returns 0 (displayed as "12:00 AM") if expiration value in the registry is corrupt or missing.
From As String Required. The sender's email address.
FromName As String The sender's name.
Helo As String "AspEmail" by default. This string is sent with the HELO command (or EHLO if Username property is set) when an SMTP session begins. Used by an SMTP client to identify its domain name to the SMTP server.
Host As String Required. The internet address of a SMTP host to be used to send messages.
IsHTML As Boolean False by default. If set to True, AspEmail will set the Content-Type of the message body to text/html. 
MailFrom As String Sets an email address for the Return-Path: header. Useful for bounced-mail handling purposes. If this property is not specified, the Mail.From value is used for this header.
Password As String See comments to Username above. This is a premium feature.
Port As Integer The SMTP port number. 25 by default.
Priority As Integer Message priority. Valid values are 1 (high), 3 (normal) and 5 (low). 0 by default which means priority is not specified.
Subject As String Message subject.
Timeout As Long Specifies socket timeout (in millisecond)
Timestamp  As Date Used for deferred message processing. Specifies when the message is to be sent out by EmailAgent. This property is only used with the SendToQueue method and ignored by the Send method. For more information, see the EmailAgent manual at, section "Deferred Message Processing."
Username As String Used for AUTH LOGIN authentication together with Password. Use the Username/Password properties if your SMTP server requires a mail client to supply authentication parameters. This is a premium feature.
AspEmail Methods
Method Name Arguments Comments
AddAddress Email As String
Optional Name = ""
Adds an email address and optionally the corresponding full name to the letter's To: list. 
AddAttachment Path As String Adds a file to the list of file attachments to be sent with the message.
AddBcc Email As String
Optional Name = ""
Adds an email address and optionally the corresponding full name to the letter's Bcc: list.
AddCC Email As String
Optional Name = ""
Adds an email address and optionally the corresponding full name to the letter's Cc: list.
AddCustomHeader Header As String Adds a custom header to the message, e.g.

mail.AddCustomHeader "Return-Receipt-To: <>"

AddEmbeddedImage Path As String
ContentID As String
Adds an image file to the list of images embedded in the message body. ContentID is a string without spaces, such as "My-Image", which will be referenced by the body HTML in the following way:

<IMG SRC="cid:My-Image">


<BODY BACKGROUND="cid:My-Image">

This is a premium feature.

AddReplyTo Email As String
Optional Name = ""
Adds an email address and optionally the corresponding full name to the letter's Reply-To: list.
AppendBodyFromFile Path As String
Optional AddToBody = True
Appends the Body property from a text or HTML file specified by Path (if the AddToBody flag is set to True or omitted.) If AddToBody is set to False, the content of the file is appended to AltBody instead.

This is a premium feature.

EncodeHeader Header as String

Returns: String

Encodes a string containing non-US-ASCII characters according to RFC 1522. Use this method to encode a non-US-ASCII subject, sender's name or recipient's name, e.g.

Mail.Subject = Mail.EncodeHeader("La fête à Jean-Sébastien Bach")
Mail.AddAddress "", Mail.EncodeHeader("Øystein")

LogonUser Domain As String;
UserID As String;
Password As String.
Impersonates the specified user account. If Domain is empty the local computer will be used to validate the UserID/Password. The caller must have the "Act as Part of the Operating System" privilege, otherwise the error "Privilege is not held by client" error will be thrown.

This method is useful when using the SendToQueue method if the message queue is located on another machine and the current user account's credentials are insufficient to place a message in a remote queue.

Reset N/A Clears all address and attachment lists so that a new message can be sent.
ResetAll N/A Same as Reset plus resets all properties to their respective default values.
RevertToSelf N/A Ends impersonatio begun by LogonUser.
Send N/A Sends the message. Throws exceptions in case of an error. See the section Error Codes below for the list of error codes.
SendEncrypted Msg As CryptoMessage Sends an encrypted message. Msg is an object creatable by the AspEncrypt component. See AspEncrypt Web site for more information.
SendSigned Msg As CryptoMessage Sends a digitally signed message. See AspEncrypt Web site for more information.
SendSignedAndEncrypted Msg1 As CryptoMessage, Msg2 As CryptoMessage Sends a message which is first digitally signed and then encrypted. See AspEncrypt Web site for more information.
SendToQueue Optional Path = "" Sends a message to the message queue and returns immediately. Requires the EmailAgent service to be running. Path specifies the path to a message queue where the message is to be posted. If Path is omitted, EmailAgent's Message Queue Path configuration parameter in the registry will be used. For more information on EmailAgent, and to download a free copy, visit This is a premium feature.
SendToNewsgroup Newsgroup As String Posts a message (article) to a news group specified by Newsgroup. This method ignores addresses specified by AddAddress, etc. methods. Host must point to a valid NNTP server. Uses port 119 unless the Port property is set to anything other than the default (25), in which case it uses a value specified by Port.This is a premium feature.
Error Codes
Note: the following error codes are generated by AspEmail's properties and methods and can be obtained via the built-in Err object when the On Error Resume Next statement is used.

Name Decimal Hex
OPENFILE 7 800A0007
CREATESTG 18 800A0012
CREATESTG2 19 800A0013
RECVFAILED 25 800A0019